Aldrich Gonsalves

"Aldrich joined the Students' Union whilst studying an ESOL course in 2016. To complete his course, an element of Work Experience was needed, so he approached the SU for a volunteering position. For some time he helped the SU promote trips and activities, whilst attending them himself."

2018 - 2020

Love our Colleges Camapaign

  • Collected over 1000 signatures for the love our college campaign.



  • Successfully lobbied the college’s senior management for reusable coffee cups

  • Planned the development of and helped with the construction of Broadway campus ‘Wellbeing Garden’

  • Participated in ‘The Time Is Now lobby’ speaking with former Dudley North MP Ian Austin regards improving Dudley’s environment

  • Took part in the ‘Big Climate Fightback’ campaign planting 50 young trees in the grounds of Dudley College


Health and Wellbeing

  • Set up in collaboration with Dudley Health Champions the Mental Health Ambassadors programme

  • Campaigned for the Period Poverty ‘Red Box’ project – Red Boxes and free sanitary products are now available at all Dudley College campuses

  • Launched the ‘Chill Out Tuesday’ weekly breakfast club for students

  • Held regular meetings with STIR manager to discuss vegan menus

  • Participated in Dudley Youth Ambassadors monthly meetings.



  • Founded the ‘Virtual Reality’ and ‘Fun Day Friday’ weekly clubs – Organised student ‘Pool’ tournaments


Marketing of Students’ Union

  • Students’ Union purchased a ‘Pop-Up-Shop’ and now have visual presence at all campuses – The shop is vital for the President to engage and offer services to all students who find it difficult getting to Broadway.