Thierno Diallo

"Thierno was an ESOL student in the academic year 2013-2014. Coming from overseas, he enrolled onto an ESOL course to learn English. He became a class rep and started taking part in the Students’ Union (SU) activities and was very impressed by the way the SU represent the students. He became an active member of the SU by volunteering, attending meetings, joining SU trips and events."

2014 - 2016


  • Lobbied Dudley College senior management to ensure students entitled to free meals receive them

  • Campaigned against cuts to ESOL courses and organised the associated ‘All I want for Xmas campaign’

  • Campaigned for LGBTQ awareness

  • Arranged for the refurbish of Broadway campus Prayer room with modest modifications



  • Worked in collaboration with ‘Make Your Mark’ youth councillors to determine the top four issues affecting Dudley students; ‘living wage’, ‘mental health’, ‘transport’ and ‘a curriculum for life’. These issues were subsequently discussed in the House of Commons


Green Impact

  • Re-established the cross college green committee - Arranged the Green impact activity week which included 50 FREE public transport taster tickets and the opportunity for 10 staff members to sign up for cycle training

  • Participated in the college’s senior management team sustainability discussions



  • Organised the first and now annual ‘Dudley’s Got Talent’ Show

  • Founded the Football Club and organised inter curriculum tournaments

  • Formed a weekly Faith, Belief and Non-Belief group



  • Supported students with the Christmas Fayre fundraising and Jabczynski Memorial Cup Football Tournament in support of Dudley White House Cancer Support