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Helen Lawley

"Helen was a mature, disabled student studying Motor Vehicle maintenance and came to Dudley Students' Union to help with their various activities. In 2020, she ran for presidency during the height of the COVID-19 Pandemic and was elected into the role in the first virtual-only Student Elections. She has focused on accessibility to remote learning, protested for free school meals and made sure information about the pandemic that was understandable and accessible to students.

2020 - 2021

SU goes Virtual

  • Highlighted the difficulty students may face when accessing remote learning

  • Made sure COVID-19 information was more accessible and understandable to students

  • Held first ever Virtual Freshers Week

  • Encouraged students to socialise virtually during lockdown by moving clubs onto teams


Free School Meals

  • Protested for Free meals as part of the national campaign by Marcus Rashford



  • Held and Hosted the first ever Dudley SU Disability forum

  • Secured free masks for students during the pandemic (college were charging £1 per mask)


Local/National projects

  • Represented Dudley SU at the Students Deserve Better rally as part of the virtual NUS National Conference 2021

  • Spoke to new Student Governors as part of the Festival of Governors (AOC) to answer questions they may have had about being a first-time Student Governor.

  • Wrote to 39 local MPs to highlight the lack of Further Education funding with the Love Our Colleges campaign

  • Operation Santa and Food Bank collection - raised 237 meals for local families

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