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Influencing Change at Dudley


Strategic Plan 2024 - 2027

We worked aongside students and external partners such as NUS to develop this plan to ensure that the Students' Union continued to grow and provide a clear direction for our members. This Plan outlines our committment as a studnet-led organisation that champions student voice and involvement. 

This Plan outlines 4 key priorities of the Studnets' Union which are:

  • Engagement and Participation
  • Representation 
  • Sustainible Growth and Expansion 
  • Community, Support and Environment

The 2024 - 2027 Strategic Plan outlines our vision for the Studnets' UNion over the next 3 years, and how we Plan to achieve these priorities that our members decisied on. 

Everything we do is aimed at making sure our student members have the best experience whilst at Dudley College through our political campaigning, club and events. We look forward to working together to deliver this Plan, and we'll continue to provideoppotunities for students to provde feedback on how they think we are doing. 

DCSU Strategic Plan by Students' Union

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Empowering, representing and transforming Dudley College's diverse student body through advocasy, collaboration, and political campaigning

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